Voice of Faith International School of Ministry

The Voice of Faith International School of Ministry is a strategy of the Spirit for building and strengthening Ministers of the Gospel for the work of the Ministry. Through the teachings and trainings by the man of God, Apostle Stanley Nicholas, many Ministers, and their Ministries have been repositioned and transformed for greater impact in these last days.

Our school of ministry offers you the opportunity to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to be that workman without shame and to make your calling and election sure. The VOF SOM is not some theological college, but a "life-tuning or life-perfecting centre". What we teach ministers isn't just history or facts, or the analysis thereof, but faith-and character-building content. 

We help ministers  to stand even more firm on their callings in their peculiarity.  We aren't only concerned about how much information and knowledge one can take in, but also about the person taking in the information and knowledge and how well he or she is able to apply the knowledge. Our school deals with character, attitudes, and skills; helping ministers of the Gospel to accurately display or express who and all that Christ is to the world.