Our Ministries
The Proverbs 20 Men
The main objective and purpose for this ministry arm is to raise a generation of God-fearing men who will leave a mark in the Body of Christ and society through effective and responsible leadership. Faithful men who lead with integrity.
Women of Grace
The Women's ministry isn't an attempt to raise women who will wage war against men. In actual fact it is a way and channel for empowering, culturing and building up women with the engrafted and infallible Word of God, so to awaken them to who they are in Christ. This will in turn do away with the feminist ideologies and debates on what it means to be a woman, but bring into light God's idea and original intent for womankind.
This is an initiative and movement to restore and reconcile womankind back to God. It is also a movement to awaken womankind to the fatherhood of God and to raise a generation of women who know who they are in Christ. We see women embracing one another, accepting each other’s' peculiarities, and sharing God's Word and wisdom in an atmosphere void of strife and enmity. This is all about raising a generation of women of God's dream.
The Burning Ones Youth
The youth ministry serves the purpose of bringing the youth to the knowledge of Christ and to improve their lives, thus raising young people who are giants in the spirit who will take their stand in the Body of Christ and in the society.
It is a company of young people who are passionate about the spiritual; that is, are on fire in their spirits, and glow on the outside!
Children’s Church
Working hand-in-hand with parents in training up children in a way they ought to go that even they are old they would not depart from . This way is the way of the Word and in this way we are leaving a lasting impact and legacy through the impartation of eternal values that will echo in the generations to come
Community Outreach Programs
Our church is committed to serving and loving our community! We have several outreach programs designed to meet the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of those around us.
Experience Transformation By The Word
Come and experience the ministry of the Word of God in a refreshing way and be catapulted to higher realms of glory!